Promotional Stuffed Animals

If you like the feel of a knitted scarf, image that same texture on a teddy bear.
Starting at: $13.45
SKU: 2105091
Prod Days: 1-5
You can choose from 11 different animals and customize it with your choice of t-shirt color.
Starting at: $10.95
SKU: 2105077
Prod Days: 1-5
This plush bear has a flattened appearance that makes it stand out.
Starting at: $9.00
SKU: 2105093
Prod Days: 1-5
These plush animals are only 4 inches tall but they can bring a smile to both young and old.
Starting at: $6.95
SKU: 2105089
Prod Days: 1-5
Choose from 8 different plush animal key tags.
Starting at: $6.55
SKU: 2105083
Prod Days: 1-5
1-800-772-9394  US
240-651-5580  Intl
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